Quarterly report pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d)


3月. 31, 2012
股权投资 [Abstract]  
4.   股权投资

截至3月31日,以权益法核算的投资包括, 2012年和12月31日, 2011:


     2012年3月31日      2011年12月31日  

Investment in 泰泰泰国有限责任公司

   $ 829,000       $ 1,030,000   

Investment in 泰泰泰国有限责任公司

     8,731,000         8,282,000   

Investment in 灰熊油砂公司

     136,732,000         69,008,000   

Investment in Bison Drilling and Field Services LLC

     6,361,000         6,366,000   

Investment in 马斯基控股有限公司

     2,441,000         2,138,000   

Investment in Timber Wolf码头有限公司

     1,000,000         —     

Investment in 温莎中游有限责任公司

     7,080,000         —     






   $ 163,174,000       $ 86,824,000   








本公司设有 23.5% ownership interest in 泰泰泰国有限责任公司 ("Tatex"). The remaining interests in Tatex are owned by entities controlled by Wexford. Tatex持有 85,122 的 1,000,000 APICO, LLC(“APICO”),一家国际石油和天然气勘探公司. APICO在东南亚拥有一个储备基地,拥有特许经营权 两个 million acres which includes the Phu Horm Field. During the three months ended 3月ch 31, 2012, Gulfport received $200,000 in distributions, reducing its total net investment in Tatex to $829,000. 在截至3月31日的三个月里,与税收相关的股权投资损失并不大, 2012年和2011年.


本公司设有 17.9% ownership interest in Tatex III. 约 68.7Tatex III剩余权益的%由weexford控制的实体拥有. During the three months ended 3月ch 31, 2012, Gulfport paid $483,000 in cash calls, increasing its total net investment in Tatex III to $8,731,000. 该公司 recognized a loss on equity investment of $34,000 和$56,000 for the three months ended 3月ch 31, 2012年和2011年, 分别, 合并经营报表中权益法投资的损失包括哪些.


该公司, through its wholly owned subsidiary Grizzly Holdings Inc. ("Grizzly Holdings"), owns a 24.9999持有加拿大无限责任公司灰熊油砂公司的%权益(“Grizzly”). 灰熊的剩余权益由韦克斯福德控股的实体拥有. 自2006年以来, Grizzly已经获得了位于阿尔伯塔省靠近Fort McMurray和其他油砂开发项目的Athabasca地区的租约. Grizzly已经在11个独立的租赁区块钻了岩心孔和供水测试井,以验证石油生产的可行性,并进行了地震程序. 2010年3月, Grizzly filed an application in Alberta, Canada for the development of a SAGD facility at Algar Lake. 2011年11月, 艾伯塔省政府提供了一份正式的理事会命令,授权艾伯塔省能源保护委员会(ERCB)对该项目发布正式的监管批准. Algar湖第一阶段开发项目的制造和现场施工目前正在进行中. During the three months ended 3月ch 31, 2012, Gulfport paid $67,063,000 in cash calls, increasing Gulfport's net investment in Grizzly to $136,732,000. Grizzly's functional currency is the Canadian dollar. 该公司's investment in Grizzly was increased by $939,000 和$706,000 由于截至3月31日的三个月的货币换算收益, 2012年和2011年, 分别. 该公司 recognized a loss on equity investment of $278,000 和$255,000 for the three months ended 3月ch 31, 2012年和2011年, 分别, 合并经营报表中权益法投资的损失包括哪些.

该公司, 通过灰熊控股, entered into a loan agreement with Grizzly effective January 1, 2008, as amended from time-to-time, under which Grizzly borrowed funds from the Company. 利息新葡京是在实物支付的基础上通过增加贷款的未偿余额来支付的. 该公司 recognized interest income of approximately $36,000 for the three months ended 3月ch 31, 2011, 合并经营报表中的利息收入包括哪些. 12月7日生效, 2011, 灰熊控股与灰熊签订了债务解决协议,根据协议,灰熊同意通过发行额外的灰熊普通股来偿还全部未偿债务,但不影响灰熊的所有权结构构成. At such date, the Company's investment in Grizzly increased by the total $22,325,000 欠灰熊的未偿预付款和应计利息,累计$75,000 应收票据的货币折算损失通过其他累积综合收益进行调整,应收票据被认为已全额支付.

Bison Drilling and Field Services LLC

During the third quarter of 2011, the Company purchased a 25Bison Drilling and Field Services LLC(“Bison”)%的所有权权益,成本为$6,009,000,可作调整. The remaining interests in Bison are owned by entities controlled by Wexford. Bison owns and operates drilling rigs. 在截至3月31日的三个月里,与Bison相关的股权投资损失不大, 2012. Subsequent to 3月ch 31, 2012, the Company purchased an additional 15% ownership interest in Bison for $6,152,000, bringing its total ownership interest in Bison to 40%.


During the fourth quarter of 2011, the Company purchased a 25% ownership interest in 马斯基控股有限公司 ("Muskie") at a cost of $2,142,000,可作调整. 马斯基的剩余权益归韦克斯福德控股的实体所有. Muskie holds certain assets, 在威斯康辛州的一处土地租约中,该土地有望开采石油和天然气裂缝级砂. During the three months ended 3月ch 31, 2012, Gulfport paid $312,000 in cash calls, increasing its total net investment in Muskie to $2,441,000. 在截至3月31日的三个月中,与Muskie相关的股权投资损失并不大, 2012.

Timber Wolf码头有限公司

During the first quarter of 2012, the Company purchased a 50在Timber Wolf码头有限公司(“Timber Wolf”)的%所有权权益,成本为$1,000,000. Timber Wolf的剩余权益归韦克斯福德控股的实体所有. Timber Wolf将在俄亥俄州运营一个原油/凝析油终端和一个转运砂设施. 截至2012年3月31日止三个月未确认股权投资损益.


During the first quarter of 2012, the Company purchased a 22.5% ownership interest in 温莎中游有限责任公司 ("Midstream") at a cost of $7,021,000. Midstream的剩余权益归Wexford控股的实体所有. Midstream拥有 28.4% interest in Mid3月 Gas LLC, a gas processing plant in West Texas. 该公司 recognized income on equity investment of $59,000 for the three months ended 3月ch 31, 2012, 合并经营报表中权益法投资的损失包括哪些.